Hey Arnold! aired on Nickelodeon in 1996, the animated comedy TV series focuses on fourth grader Arnold and his friends as they navigate city life and the problems they encounter.Our brilliant Nickelodeon Hey Arnold Buddies Women’s T-Shirt, which is purchasable only by site patrons, is a stylish product. Created by our talented in-house team, it features a premium-quality design that has been printed on a Black garment.(By sourcing our materials from responsible suppliers, ethical practices have been adhered to, so this site is the definitive location to find the latest clothing.) High-quality cotton attireThis product can be used with washing machinesTumble-drying instructions provided on the labelMedium-weight T-shirtThat said, our items also aim to accomodate different body shapes, a relaxed fit being commonplace. If you’d prefer a loosened fit, please order a size up.