Taking place after Avengers: Endgame, Loki is set in a new time line that an alternate Loki created after taking the Tesseract and altering human history. Stephen Broussard, executive producer stated the new series will explore the questions we all have: where did Loki go after her picked up the Tesseract? And could he ever make a friend? The Television series is part of phase four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).Immerse yourself with the world of Marvel Comics with this selection featuring beloved characters like Iron-Man, Ant-Man and Hulk. With reference to the original comics and the newest cinematic blockbusters from the Marvel Universe, this selection has got the lot!Grab the latest in stylish apparel with our incredible designs, ready to add to your wardrobe! Our T-Shirts sport the latest designs – from big name licenses, to the most awesome artists we can collaborate with, and even incredible designs from our own talented in-house teams.Product Care:Wash at 30 DegreesWash inside outWash with similar coloursProduct Details:Short SleevedWomen’s shaped fitAvailable from Women’s XS-XXLAll our garments are a stylish shaped geared towards a women’s fit.However, if you would prefer to have a looser, more casual fit, just grab a size up instead.